Dear 7-11 Manager,
You should really post a sign reading, "Do not drink directly from the nozzle" on your Slurpee machine if that is your store policy.
I'm Gonna Kill Santa Claus
4 years ago
Dear 7-11 Manager,
You should really post a sign reading, "Do not drink directly from the nozzle" on your Slurpee machine if that is your store policy.
Posted by
5:37 PM
Labels: 7-11, open letter, Slurpees
Wtf is the big deal? As long as you:
A) Pay for what you consumed.
B) Don't spill anything on the floor.
C) Don't put your mouth directly on the nozzle.
OMG! You crack me up!
How else do they expect people to see how the blue slurpees taste?
again? man, i told you this was going to bite you in the ass one of these days. you know what all of the flavors taste like (except, of course, that dastardly mango-flavored crystal light need to suck on the machine.
Hehehe... Sweeeet! Do you drink from the toilet too? I ate some chips once in a 7-11, and put them back because they were stale. I got kicked out because I refused to pay. Never went back...
Yeah, I mean, it's not like you're a mind-reader.
Unless you are...
Are you?
Stabbing Pen: A, I didn't. B, I did and C, yep, did that too.
Dizzblnd: thanks :)
C.B.: Noo, I don't go in for any of that blue shit.
JerseyGirl: I know, I know, I don't ever damn listen.
Don: They've got some real Nazi-type rules there. I don't blame you for taking your business elsewhere.
Heather: I am not. I usually just listen to mind-audiobooks.
you do bite back
Yeah, really!!
They also frown upon you standing next to the big vat of liquid cheese with an open bag of chips. B1tches.
Hey, the 7-11 I go to, they encourage you to try before you buy. At least I think that's what they're saying...
TT: Toldja.
Ambrosia: Wow, you're still alive!
Kaiton: Good thing the manager didn't look over a few minutes earlier. I would have been Double Banned.
Phillipia: Yeah, sometimes they put out little cookie pieces near the register. They get a little snippy when you eat too many of those, too, though.
You too, huh?? Glad I'm not the only one who's made that "mistake". I feel understood.
Well, let's face it, it just tastes better that way.
Some people are really uptight. People in restaurants always get really freaked out when you lean over to their table and ask if you can taste their entree. I don't get it.
7-11 has a manager?
Wendy: Yeah, I've encountered that anger as well! Even if they've pushed their plate away, they still react badly.
Anon: I think it's something new they're trying. Regrettable, really.
WHAAT?!? What do you mean?? FOr god's sake, now we have to use cups??
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